Friday, October 28, 2011

The USPS has been murdered. Get angry!

I am sick and tired of the GOP controlling the narrative. They are going to spin the USPS as a failed union government organisation that needs a huge tax payer bailout (money) in order to function as a viable entity.

They will say that the solution is deunionization and free markets-but these are outright lies.

The US government is forcing the USPS to prefund all pensions, something no other government org is required to do. This may not seem like such a bad idea to most, but it is killing the USPS in this rescission where revenues are down.

Second and more important, the US government won't let the USPS raise postage rates.
If the USPS were able to raise rates it could close the hole, and continue on as usual.
This is the most important fact- don't let it slip by. UPS and FedEx both have fuel surcharges in place since gas has skyrocketed, the USPS is forbidden from doing the same by the US government!

How is that a free market?

Why should the government care if the USPS raises rates to compete, the ultimate goal is to make a profit and remain solvent. If they raise rates too much and consumers leave them for UPS that is the free market working as it should.
The US government can't have it both ways, if you want a free market and you don't want the USPS taping bailout / tax payer dollars- let them raise rates!

The USPS doesn't use tax payer money, but if they aren't allowed to temporarily suspend the prefunding requirement or let them raise rates they will have to be bailed out.

Just remember one talking point on this issue:
The USPS has been barred from raising rates to compensate for real inflation IE gas.

Darrell Issa and his disgusting cronies are fighting to deunionize, reduce wages, destroy pensions and fire hundreds of thousands of postal workers.
The GOP would rather let the USPS fail rather than see them raise rates as competitors have done.

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