If you’re a evangelical- I get it, this letter isn’t to you.
Maybe I don’t know where to look on the internet, but I haven’t seen any dismay on the current crop of candidates. Where is the honest discussion on how their policy (or lack thereof) is going to doom us all to hell.
While I lean more to the left, I can see many positives on the conservative end of the spectrum. The democratic party can’t solve every single issue, neither can the republican party, sometimes, meeting in the middle and finding common ground is the best solution.
More to the point, party affiliation doesn’t really mean much to me. For example: I would vote for an honest republican, if they had better ideas than a democratic candidate.
Depending on the era and the particular crisis, a liberal solution might be right solution, at other times a conservative approach would yield better results.
For example: JFK cut taxes, and it was the right decision at the time. He reduced taxes on the top 1% from 90% to 65%- in that era, during that economy he took a conservative approach and democrats saw the value in that approach and agreed. Ike did the opposite, he didn’t try to lower the top tax rate from 90%- and conservatives of that time agreed that was the best approach.
Currently, I believe the liberal idea of raising taxes, and the republican mantra of cutting wasteful spending is the ideal solution to the deficit. The world isn’t colored in black and white; we aren’t going to balance the budget by just painting in one color- we need some gray.
Liberals believe we need to spend on infrastructure, to repair roads and bridges. We need to spend money on research and development- this can in turn cut costs for both medical care and on alternative forms of energy. In other words, sometimes you can save some money over the long term by spending some money in the now.
Conservatives believe we need to cut taxes and stop all spending, but before we do that, let’s look at the current state of the economy.
If you look at the last 30 years in an unbiased unpartisan way, you will see that the rich have increased their net wealth by 80% and there tax rate is lower than it has ever been before.
During that same 30 year period, the middle class has lost over 10% of all net wealth.
It would seem to me, the republican solution of cutting taxes, won’t get us out of this mess. If the rich are paying less than they ever have, how much more are we going to cut their tax rate? And if you succeed in cutting taxes now- what if it doesn’t work? Are you going to propose the same solution in 3 years from now? At some point their tax rate will be so low, there won’t be anything left to cut.
Putting the tax issue aside, who on the republican side is going to get us out of this ditch?
The current crop of republican candidates neither seem honest or smart enough to get the job done.
Mitt Romney- has flip flopped on every single damn issue known to man, and while its good for a laugh, there is a dark side to this. The man is will to do and say anything to become president of the US. This scares the living crap out of me. ALSO: He doesn’t want to cut defense, in fact he wants to beef it up so that we can bomb Iran into submission. Is Iran the way we get the economy moving again?
Herman Cain- his 9-9-9 plan is pathetic, most believe that it will generate fewer revenues than we currently do, at the same time it will lower the effective tax rate on the rich and shift that burden onto the poor and the middle class. This is an evil plan. . ALSO: He doesn’t want to cut defense, in fact he wants to beef it up so that we can bomb Iran into submission. Is Iran the way we get the economy moving again?
Rick Perry- this man is Bush part 3. I don’t know what else to say about it except to say you know better.
Michelle Bachman- if you are waiting for the rapture, I get it.
Ron Paul- a breath of fresh air, his truth telling is refreshing; this man wants to dismantle the federal government. In case you didn’t get it- he wants to destroy the federal government!
Rick Santorum- all he cares about is gays, and bombing IRAN.
Who are these losers? What the hell are they going to do to the country if we give them power? I honestly don’t see things getting better if any one of them get elected.
How can this crop be the best that the party has to offer, I’m offended for you.
If you aren’t criticizing these candidates - if you aren’t angry that the system has given you this wrecked menagerie to pick from- I have to ask you something.
My question:
What the fuck is wrong with you?